sternum and back pain

I had been having sternum pain for about 2days then my upper back started hurting really bad too. I move furniture for a living,the pain makes it so hard to breath the pain also radiates down into the groin area.Also I noticed the left side of my sternum is swollen. I really need some help in as to figuring out what this is cause I can’t go to the doctor right now and the pain is so bad so if you can give some advice pleaz help,Thanks much

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1 Comment found

    May PT

    9 10

    You may have a strain of the ligaments that hold the sternum to the ribs. You could also have a possible fracture. I suggest that you give lifting a rest for now, use some ice for the pain and swelling. Try to get to a doc and get an x-ray to find out what is going on.


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