stress fracture??

(3 discussions)

I have been having pain on top of my right foot for a few weeks..there is mild swelling..i’m on my feet all day ( work in spec. edu) I really notice it when I go to take my sneakers off…. it is still sore after the shoes have been off for a while.
I can walk on it but it is somewhat sore.
Also, I can’t point my toes up.
Do you think a visit to a podiatrist is necessary?



    9 10

    I had xrays done and nothing is fractured. The doctor wrapped it up.. can I still put ice on it, should I be using crutches( I have them from another injury)?? putting it up?

    Vivian Abrams DPM

    9 10

    Yes. An Xray would be necessary to determine if you have a stress fracture.

      Vivian Abrams DPM

      9 10

      Sometimes a stress fracture doesn’t show up on X ray right away. A bone scan is useful for this situation. Ice is good to reduce pain and sweklling, but be careful about using it- no more than 20 minutes on at a time. If crutches seem to help then why not use them? Elevation is also a good idea to help the return blood flow. The leg needs to be higher than the heart. Good luck.


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