subtalar fusion

I broke my talus bone a little over 2 years ago. Bone was not displaced so no surgery, I was casted for 8 wks then went to PT.
I am still experiencing pain esp. when hiking in woods, mowing the lawn, walking for long periods.
Foot swells at night after doing the above activities.
Decided to see a specialist at a well known university for orthopedic medicine.
Right off the bat he said I had a dislocated peroneal tendon.
I was sent for a CT scan and MRI.
MD is suggesting surgery to position the tendon correctly and a subtalar fusion for subtalar arthritis.
I’ve read about fusion and was very put off about what I read and told him so.
He said that he could debride the subtalar joint during the tendon surgery but feels that in a few years I would be back in for the fusion.
Has anyone had a subtalar fusion?
Was it worth it?
What can and can you not do once you get the ankle fused?
I am very active and want to do all the things I used to do, before my accident, painfree. Thanks

1 Comment found

    Vivian Abrams DPM

    9 10

    I do not do subtalar fusion surgery. If it is severe, I will consider a Richie type brace.If surgery is what is indicated, I recommend you get copies of your x-rays or MRI’s and get several other opinions. I would recommend you inquire wherther the orthopedist or podiatrist you call does this procedure.


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