Supraspinatus bursa tear – what does it mean?

Hi, I have just been told the results of my MRI. I have had worsening shoulder pain with reaching up, typing, trying to throw anything, lifting heavy objects, and trying to move my arm above my shoulder. I was told today that I have a 50% supraspinatus bursal tear. I have tried to do some research online, and can’t find much about treatment. I’d like to avoid surgery, but don’t even know if surgery is usually indicated. I am not asking you to prescribe, but I would like to know 1) what complications a supraspinatus bursal tear can mean if untreated, and 2) a couple of intelligent questions to ask the doctor so I am better prepared when I see him/her. Thank you for your time!

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    There is not a supraspinatus bursa, but there is a subacromial bursa. Are you sure it did’nt say that you had a supraspinaturs tear? There is a bursa, or a fluid filled sac that reduces the friction of the supraspinatus tendon as you raise and lower your arm. The bursa can get inflammed for many different reasons. If you have a 50% suprospinatus tear that means you have a rotator cuff tear. Many people do well with partial tears, but they need to strengthen all the other rotator cuff muscles (there are 4 of them). Ask your doc if you can have physical therapy for both strengenthing and pain releiving modalities and perhaps to look at your posture and maybe your position when you sit at a desk or other activites during your day.


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