Swollen Toe

At an indoor soccer game this weekend, I got my toe stomped on pretty badly. Upon coming home, I realized that my toe was bleeding from around the nail, and that it was swollen. Today, about three days after it happened, the toe was swelled about the size of a golfball! (it was the big toe) And,it looked as if it was becoming black and blue towards the root of the toe. Now, I know that “the only solution” is drilling it with a searing hot paperclip, but, that isnt very appealing to me! Does anybody have more advice on what to do? It isn’t totally black and blue yet so is there any last things I can do to avoid the DREADED PAPER CLIP? thx,josh

1 Comment found

    Vivian Abrams DPM

    9 10

    I am not personally a big fan of the “dreaded paper clip” myself. The swelling you are seeing is most likely blood. I recommend you see a podiatrist and have this treated professionally.


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