tendonitis from wrist through bicept

I tore cartilage in my left wrist 5 yrs ago…never felt healed enough to do strengthinening exercises and my arms have weakened as a result. soon the tendonitis tunnelled up both arms and now it is easy to inflame any one of them at any time of the day… I wwant to do push ups again but can’t and curls are out of the question… I do some yoga and stretching and hiking but thats about it… I am leery of any more surgery and do not take pain pills cause they tox theliver and have never worked well… It has been so longnow that I just grin and bear it and ice a lot and wait for it to subside and then deal with the next flare-up and repeat process…which is insane… I have narrowed the track of pain down to the bicept tendons from the mid arm down to the inside of the wrists…at times there is a lot of forearm pain inthe extensors…massage helps…acupuncture not…dont want to wear braces either as they just make my arms weaker…there must be something I can do over time that can rebuild my muscles so not so much stress is on the tendons and attachments…appreicate your advise…

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    hi there, I came across your email while looking for some tendonitis info. just was wondering if you found any relief. I thought I had written what you wrote and was curious why yo said no to acupuncture. I think I may have been injured from acupuncture and have been in this chronic pain mode for 3+ years. the wait for the flare-up I could relate to, which IS insane and why I am trying to collect info, research, get answers because I don’t want to/cant live like this any longer. thank you!! I hope you are feeling better in the new year, laura


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