Thigh Braces

I am interested in preventing hamstring pulls.
I am old (almost 46), play softball (sprinting) had a bad hamstring pull a few years ago and fight tight hamstrings and slight pulls each softball season. Body Glove has a Thigh Support shown at: also have a Thigh Sleeve shown at: you recommend the Support or the Sleeve?Is the Support velcro so tension can be adjusted?Does the Sleeve have the Airprene as advertised with the Support?What else might you recommend? Thanks,Mike

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    May PT

    9 10

    : Body Glove has a Thigh Support shown at: They also have a Thigh Sleeve shown at: Would you recommend the Support or the Sleeve?: Is the Support velcro so tension can be adjusted?: Does the Sleeve have the Airprene as advertised with the Support?: What else might you recommend?: Thanks,: MikeMike,The Body Glove products are pretty good. It really depends upon the location of your previous strain. You want to make sure that whatever support you buy is comfortable, and covers the entire area that you are concerned with. If I were you, I would call some local PT clinics to see if they sell supports. If so, you could go there and try on different models to find one that is supportive and comfortable. Let us know how you make out, and don’t forget to stretch.


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