Toe Pain… Broken???

(2 discussions)

Yesterday my toe got bent backwards.Ever since I have suffered severe pain in that toe (the one next to my littlest one).
I cannot walk without feeling highly uncomfortable, and have learnt to walk on the side of my foot where it doesn’t hurt.
I would like to know if it is broken or just badly bruised.Some more info:Its bruised near the base of the toe and whenever I clench my foot or flex my toes it hurts and the toe looks shorter than the same one on my other foot, but not too swollen.

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    Vivian Abrams DPM

    9 10

    Without an x-ray I can’t be 100% sure, but from what you are describing, it sounds like your toe is broken. You can splint it to the toes on either side and put a small foam pad between the toes to cushion and hold it in better position. Ice and elevation will also help. Wear what ever comfortable shoes you can and expect it to take up to 6 weeks to heal. The best thing is for you to see a doctor and get an x-ray. Good luck.


    9 10

    :i wa playing by the pool and was running an went and split my two toes through a medal pole and I’m going throgh alot of pain and it hurts to walk is it broken


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