Toe Redness

(2 discussions)

I have had ingrown toenails removed from both my toes. I had pain and redness in the toes and returned to the podiatrist and he removed the ingrown toenails again.
Both my toes are painful and red.
I have been soaking them in epsom salt and putting on neosporin but it doesn’t seem to help.
What could be wrong?


    Vivian Abrams DPM

    9 10

    Without seeing your toes, I am guessing. How long ago was the surgery?How was the root of the nail destroyed? Phenol, Sodium hydroxide, laser? What is the proportion of epsom salt you are using? Are you keeping the sites covered and protected at all times?Have you called your doctor and expressed your concern?


      9 10

      I had ingrown toenails removed on the outside of both my big toes over a year and 1/2 ago. I do not know what type of acid the Dr. used, it was not lazer. Because the both toes were hurting me again I went to a different podiatrist and he said the toenails were ingrown on the inside of the nail and removed them by cutting them out. After two months the inside of the toes were again hurting me and I went back to the Dr. and he said it was impossible for them to be ingrown in that time period, walked out of the room, came back, said the one toe was ingrown and cut it out again. I have been using epsom salt to soak my feet (about 1/2 cup to a basin of warm water), putting neosporin on my toes and they are still red and tender. I recently stopped the soaking and they are still the same. Help!


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