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    Our 4 1/2 year old has been walking on his toes since walking. He walks almost exclusively on his toes, and whilst we can remind him to concentrate walking on his ‘feet’ within a few seconds he has gone back to his toes. It is not something he does for attention but simply seems to be a subconscious action. I can relate to this as my father was constantly telling me to ‘get off my toes’, and whilst I could walk on my feet when thinking about it, in the normal course of the day I would be reminded by people that I was walking on my toes – which was quite embarrassing.Now at 35, I still feel myself doing it however I can overcome it by concentrating on walking on my ‘feet’- although it still feels strange. Also, as someone fairly active, I find activities such as squating impossible to keep my feet flat. This shows a very un-natural look in my style when surfing or watersking, squating in gym work etc, where I simply can not get my feet flat.Obviously, I was like to try to help my son stop this habit at an early age to assist with all the things I have difficulties with now.My father does’nt have the problem, nor are we aware of anyone else in the family. I am very conscious of my own problem, especially around my son, so it is unlikely he would even be aware that I have a similar problem. As a result, I don’t believe it would be a ‘copying thing’ to be ‘like Dad’- as was suggested by one specialist. I would be grateful for any suggestions you can offer to assist my wife and I help our son to overcome any future problems. Thank you


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    My son is almost 8 years old and has been walking on his toes for well over a year now. He learned to walk normally and used to walk fine but about 2 years ago he started walking on his toes and now exclusively on his toes. He saw a neurologist to rule out specific problems and he now sees a physical therapist twice a week to stretch his calf and thigh muscles. He has very limited range in his feet/lower legs now. He can hardly stand on his heels without falling over. His habit is so bad that I have to constantly remind him to get down off his toes but he goes right back up there. The physical therapist suggested asking his primary care physician and neurologist before getting any shoes or braces for him. His doctor called today and is referring him to a pediatric orthopedic surgeon beofre any shoes/braces are used. After his appointment I’d be glad to let you know what they all say. It’s a very frustrating situation…


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      Hi Terri,
      My son’s situation is similar to your son’s. My son is 6, has been toe-walking since prior to pre-school. We tried physical therapy but it didn’t work. My son’s situation too seems to be worsening. Keep in touch and I’ll let you know what I find out.


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