Toenail fungus

(2 discussions)

I have suffered from toenail fungus on my big right toe for some time now. I have tried many alternative solutions to getting rid of this problem but all have failed. Now the toenail appears to be getting smaller and smaller, thicker, and deformed looking. I now wish to get the toenail surgically removed. I would like to know what the chances of my growing in a healthy new nail would be and also, how much would this procedure cost without insurance? I would really appreciate your input and would like to say thanks in advance.


    Vivian Abrams DPM

    9 10

    It is certainly possible to remove the toenail and allow it to regrow. There is an excellent chance it will regrow the same way it looks now, thickened and with fungus. If you take an oral antifungal or use a topical such as Penlac, that might be helpful, but they are not life long cures. As far as quoting you a fee, I would need to see you. Needless to say, my fees might not be what the fees are in your area. I would suggest you call around and get some quotes. Advise the offices you call that you are a cash patient. (My office will give a discount for cash if paid at the time of service)


      9 10

      : As far as quoting you a fee, I would need to see you. Needless to say, my fees might not be what the fees are in your area. I would suggest you call around and get some quotes. Advise the offices you call that you are a cash patient. (My office will give a discount for cash if paid at the time of service)What would be a cure? Is there one?HOw can the insurance companys say this is only a cosmetic problem when my toenails are disfigured and disqusting?Plus the skin on those toes is inflammed and scalely as well.GROSS!!!!!WHat are the answers to this affliction? I want to be cured!


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