torn bicep muscle or tendon

(2 discussions)

can I ask if anyone had any warning signs before the tendon actually tore ?the reason I ask, is that I am feeling pain in what I think is the tendon at the elbow joint. it is beneath the bicep muscle. the funny thing is I can can perform bicep excercises, it generally only hurts when I pick something up. im pretty scared of rupturing a tendon or bicep muscle…. Please advise..cheers

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    May PT

    9 10

    Sounds like you might have either tennis or golf elbow…an inflammation of the tendon, rather than a precursor of rupture. Get to the doc, have it diagnosed and then see if you can have PT…stop lifting things that make it hurt…pain is an indicator that something is wrong and the more you make it hurt the more aggrevated the tissue gets, thus the longer the healing time, good luck, Mya


    9 10

    I recently sustained an injury to my bidcep at a point where the muscle tissue transforms into tendon, just upwards of the elbow joint. While there is not much pain there is a lot of surface dicoloration and a definite deformation of the structure in the form of an absence of the normal protrusion of the muscle. The absence of pain is what is most significant as the extent of damage seems to warrant debilitatation. There is no detectable loss of range of motioin. I’d like to know what is the suggested treatment for this injury.


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