Torn calf muscle

Four weeks ago, I broke my ankle and have been in a leg cast.
While hopping around on one leg, I torn the calf muscle in my right leg.
It took two weeks of complete rest and use of a wheelchair in order to use the leg again.
Three days ago, I slipped and am experiencing the same symptoms however, not quite as severe as the first time.
I cannot support my weight on cruches, as any movement of the leg is painful.
What can I do to expedite the healing process? ~ Sincerely, Linda

1 Comment found

    May PT

    9 10

    Linda,Given your recent history, I would hesitate to just tell you to treat this as a simple strain. The best bet, of course, would be for you to go back and see your Orthopedist. Your case is difficult to treat at home, especially given the other injuries. Are you seeing a PT at the present time? If not, why not? If not, then you should ask your doctor for a referral to one. Not only can they treat your injuries, but they can teach you how to safely get around your house with your crutches, and possibly a cane in the near future. They can also show you how to make sure that your house is safe from accidents (such as removing rugs, and moving furniture, etc.) so that you can move around more easily, and safely, in your house. You should also be shown some proper gait walking with the use of two crutches, then one, then a walking cane. PTs can make a huge difference to a person in your condition. Please ask your doctor for a referral ASAP, and let us know what he says, as well as how you make out! In the meantime, you probably know the drill for your sprain…Rest, Ice, Compression, and Elevation to the injured extrimity, along with any anti-inflammatory medications which your doctor recommends. Let us know how you make out after seeing your doctor and (hopefully) a PT.


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