Torn Upper Bicep

Torn my upper left bicep about 1 1/2 year ago.
Had it checked out about a year after it happened. Looks like someone took a bite out of my upper arm.
Surgeon said he couldn’t do much…maybe improve strength a little. Also, nothing could be done to improve the looks of my arm.
I was delayed in seeking treatment due to the Iraq war, and prior to my surgery, was sent back to Iraq. Are there any exercises that can be done to increase strength, and repair the looks? Also, do most people have surgery or just live with it?
Will it affect me in my later years? Thanks!!

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    9 10

    I saw your entry in, Ask the Physical Therapist website from some time ago. Your situation appeared to be somewhat similar to what I am dealing with right now. I am contemplating surgery on my right shoulder to alleviate bicep tendon problems that I have had continuously for the last couple of years. I will have my bicep tendon clipped and reattached using a bio screw into the top of my upper arm bone. I realize this is not your exact surgery but from your entry it appears to be a similar situation. If you have time to respond to me I would be interested to know if you had the bicep/ shoulder surgery and how it worked out for you. Did it alleviate your problems and are you better off now/ are you glad you had the surgery? Thanks for your consideration. My email address is:[email protected].


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