Very sore Black and Blue toe.

Last evening I stumbled and hurt my big toe on my left foot.
It is very bruised and swollen and hurts a lot when I try to bend it.
I can walk but I can’t put much pressure on it or I go thru the roof.
I don’t think it is broken.
I think it is severely sprained or jammed.
Is there anything I can do for first aid and to help it heal.
I have applied ice but it really hurts and any pressure on it is unbearable.
I can’t wear a shoe and even my slipper seems too tight.
Help I am a klutz.
I need advice.
Should I see a Dr.?
I know there isn’t much that can be done with toes.
Any suggestions.

1 Comment found


    9 10

    Wendy, I think that you should see a doctor with your toe. Black and blue and pain usually equal a broken bone. It will need to be x-rayed to make sure that all the bones are in good position. Depending on the severity, it may need to be immobilized with a cast.


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