yellow area still there after corn removal surgery

Hello. I had surgery to straighten my toes and to remove corns from the toes too…but I have a problem on my 5th toes it still seems as if the corns are still there. I have brown skin…before the surgery my corn was yellow. It took up the whole left side of my pinky toe. It was the most severe and it took some time for the doctors to remove it….anyway after surgery the surface looked somewhat flat even with the stitches still in….but after 5 months the area is still yellow, there is no extra layer of hard skin but the corn is still protuding but flat on the left side……also at the end tip of the incision area is a bump. So even though the area is somewhat flat the whole side is yellow and sometimes pink.will my brown complexion ever come back to those two areas of my pinky toes? will the two bumps go down. also on my other toes the corn looks as if it is still there but not as severe. I am happy because my feet look kind of decent but it didn’t completely take away the problem. can you help me please? did the corn destroy the melanin in that area of my toe? is there an injection that can be given to restore my color? Why did the corns become so yellow?
thankyou for your time and help.

1 Comment found

    Vivian Abrams DPM

    9 10

    The corn is yellow because that is what the thickened epidermis color really is. The melanin pigment is below this. As far as the looks and bumps, I think the doctor who did your surgery should discuss this with you. I do not know of anty injection to restore the color.


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