12 Weeks and 5th Metatarsal still not healed.

I sustained a displaced 5th metatarsal fracture on July 5.
It was in a walking cast for 7 weeks and have been in a post-op shoe ever since.
I began taking calcium supplements about 2 weeks ago but I can tell that my foot is still fractured.
I return to see the orthopedist in about a week and was hopeful that I would get released at that time.
Is this unusual?
I’m not a smoker or diabetic.
Is there anything I can do to help speed up the healig?

1 Comment found

    Vivian Abrams DPM

    9 10

    Some types of fractures, such as a Jones fracture, take a long time to heal. If a delayed union is suspected, a bone stimulator may be indicated. Most insurance companies have some type of restriction on this.


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