Accessory Navicular options

My 13 year old son is a year-round athlete.(basketball, baseball, and soccer) 6 moths ago he was diagnosed and fitted with an orthotic. It was apparently not of the highest quality and that and time has left him with an ill fitting othotic. His podiatrist offered two possibilities: better fitting orthotic or surgery. It’s quite painful for him. I’m concerned that the orthotics are only treating symptoms and he will grow into young man with very painful feet if we don’t chose surgery. your thoughts?

1 Comment found

    Vivian Abrams DPM

    9 10

    Surgery can be very helpful in this situation when orthotics fail. Certainly there are people who go through life without surgery, but my experience has been that they are not as physically active. If you are considering surgery, write down your questions and discuss them with your doctor. If you would feel more assured, then get a second opinion.


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