achilies tendon

(4 discussions)

what does a rupture of the achiies tendon look like? how does it happen? What do you do for it? IS there any surgery required? How long do you have to stay off of your foot?



    9 10

    I was playing badminton when I ruptured my achilles. I felt a bang across the back of the ankle, as though a football had come across court and hit me. I could still move my foot and walk on it the next day. I believe it happens because there’s some weakness in the tendon – damage/wear and tear etc. You then make a sudden movement – in my case I spun on my toes to go for a shot – and the calf muscle can’t contract(?) quickly enough so the tendon snaps. A friend did it stepping backwards quickly for a badminton shot. Both of us had been playing for an hour so we should have been warmed up. It was eventually diagnosed by three tests – I couldn’t stand on my toes on that leg, even in a swimming pool supported by water. If you run your finger down the back of your ankle, it should feel solid all the way down – I could feel a gap, and finally if you lie face down and have someone squeeze your calf muscle, your foot should move. If it doesn’t, or you have any suspicions, go see the doctor – it isn’t something you should leave and hope it gets better!Surgery – I was told there’s a 5% chance of re-rupture after surgery, a 15% chance of re-rupture without and if you’ve walked on it any length of time, as I had, the risk can be higher, so in my case I was told I must have the op. The other option is that they immobilise you in plaster so you can’t walk on it for 10-12 weeks. I had the operation and was out of hospital the next day, in plaster and on crutches for 11 weeks. My foot was initially pointed to lessen the strain and at two week intervals they pushed it up so after eight weeks I could have a walking plaster. I’m now in physio – 12 week programme which has started with simple stretches and the physio manipulating my foot to mobilise all the joints. I’ve been out of plaster three weeks now, but I’m still using crutches to take the strain as I can’t yet walk through my ankle properly and it is still swollen, though getting better all the time. I’ve been told not to run or jump on it for four months (if only!). It will be six months before I can even consider playing badminton again, but I can resume swimming now. I hope that helps – and I’d say to anyone if you have any worries about your achilles – pain, tenderness, etc, go see your doctor.


    9 10

    My hubby ruptured it last night (Jan 11/2003)They are doing surgery asap. He is overweight, has diabetes, arthritis, heart arythmia, and sleep apnea. Is there anythingelse to watch for after the surgery as a result of these other ailments?


    9 10

    : My hubby ruptured it last night (Jan 11/2003)They are doing surgery asap. He is overweight, has diabetes, arthritis, heart arythmia, and sleep apnea. Is there anythingelse to watch for after the surgery as a result of these other ailments? I tore my achilies on dec/19/12, I am still in a cast but am expecting a fast recovery. I did some reserch to make sure I wasn’t going to do anything to hurt the injury further and basically I found the same answer was. min 5weeks of no weight bearing.. I do small exercises to maintain the muscles in the leg and in the foot to minimize the rehab latter. They say a big problem after cast removale is walking with the foot turn out as flexiability is lost. Try not to cheat as you will have to retrain and spend time to correct it. I have always been active and heal fast good luck every one.


      9 10

      :Following surgery 3 weeks ago to my achilies tendon, I have been told I will be in plaster for at least 8 weeks altogether. The last 2 weeks I may be able to weight bare. Can you please give me some idea of how long it will be after that that I will be able to walk, drive, work,[I teach 5year olds] and play sports?


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