ankle injury

(3 discussions)

my name is lisa and I would like some information about an ankle injury I received about 3 days ago. I was playing softball and was running to first base when my right foot hit the base, I triped and fell forward. I assume my left foot twisted as I was falling forward and I took a complete fall to the ground. About 45 minutes later I was unable to bear any weight on that ankle without severe sharp pain. I continued to play until I would try to run or walk and my ankle could not take the pain and would give out. This happened on a tues. night and it is now fri. morning and I cannot walk with the bottom of my foot flat. NO BRUISING AND NO SWELLING, just pain in the entire ball of my foot and up both sides of the heel.Can you suggest what kind of brace or support I could use to play softball and should I even play? I’m unsure about whether to go to the doctor or not. I’m walking around with a limp and when to go to put weight on it and use that foot to walk, the back of my heel on both sides cannot hold the weight



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    I have a recurring ankle injury. Severe swelling primarily on outside of ankle. Occasional snapping sensation near the interior side my heel, and was diagnosed with a hairline crack on top of my foot some time ago. I am currently using an air cast and ibuprfon. Xrays show no bone damage, but I cannot walk on it for very long without pain and swelling.


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    hey name brandy lawson I was show my pig at jacketpot and one of my pig got my ankle swolled I have to go to my framliy docter to get e rsy I spain my ankle still want play softball so I should thank you brandy


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      my brandy ankle been 12 week I want to docter


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