Back pain

I was involved in a car accident when I was 18 (9 years ago) and I had to see a orthopeadic doctor to exmaine my resulting injuries for a compensation claim. I re read it today, as I found it amoungst some old paperwork and it said I had ‘slightly kyphotic dorsal spine’ and mentioned the possiblity of Shheuermans disease.Needless to say I never really took much notice but when think back, I’ve always had terrible posture, I have frequent uncomfortable back ache, I feel I hunch over alot of the time. I’m now concerned being young and silly I didn’t get this claim checked out and I feel it someting I shoud see my doctor about as im worried this could get worse as I get older.Please advise me as im really worried.Many thanksEmma

1 Comment found

    DC student

    9 10

    You may want to read this article As far as kyphotic in the thoraics a slight kyphosis is normal. You should get it checked out just in case.


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