best treatment for plantars wart?

(6 discussions)

I have a rather large (about 1 in) plantars wart on the ball of my right foot. it has been there for quite some time and is getting painful. I have been researching the different treatments available and was frustrated to find they all sound quite painful and I hear no treatment can prevent them from coming back. What treatment type or types would you recommend are the least painful and work as well as possible? Thank you. 🙂


    Vivian Abrams DPM

    9 10

    You have one of the most common frustrating conditions podiatrists see on a regular basis- warts. There is no one way that works all the time- otherwise we would all do it and be done with it. No one who treats warts can claim 100% success. In my office, I offer the patient several options. Tagamet taken by mouth for several months is painless. Surgery is not painless. By the way, so you know- surgery is just to get rid of the obvious warty tissue. It does not mean the wart virus is totally eradicated from your body. There is always a chance of reoccurence.Sorry I don’t have what you are looking for.

    Vivian Abrams DPM

    9 10

    Please understand I can not give a recommendation for your daughter without examining her. Your best bet is to see a podiatrist or dermatologist who does prescribe it. My success rate is 80% for kids under 18 using Tagamet. As far as the duct tape goes, the article was in the Journal of Pediatrics and is very similar to what many doctors already knew- that the power of suggestion can be one of many things we try when dealing with warts. I don’t argue with anything that works on warts.


    9 10

    Will the Tagamet avalable over the counter work for this? If so is there a formula for determining dosage or do I need to find a Dr. that has heard of this treatment? Also, do you know if there is any truth behind the duct tape treatment? Thank you so much for your help. *huggs* 🙂


    9 10

    I had a bad case of plantars warts several years ago (3 on each foot!) and my doctor gave me some ointment to put on each wart that killed pretty much whatever skin it came in contact with, including the wart. It was painless and took a couple weeks, you would put it on each day then peel off the dead skin and put another dose on. I’m not sure if the stuff is still in existance, as it was in a testing phase. It worked fine for me, and haven’t had a wart since.


    9 10

    About 35 years ago I had Plantars warts that the doctor exposed to radiation. Went away painlessly. Since I can find no reference to this treatment now was it deemed harmful?Gary


    9 10

    My daughter had about 10 to 15 plantar warts on her feet. Between her toes and on the ball of her feet. She went to a tanning bed and in about a week, they died and went away. No more warts! I talked to the doctor about this and he said it does work! that the ultra violet light kills the virus! for about 15.00 and 3 visits to a tanning bed. You can be Plantar wart free.


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