blisters and sores

I have had Small clusters of blisters on only my left foot. I have had them for about 6 years now.. they go away for seveal months or even up to a year but then they come back.. if I leave them alone they join together to form one huge blister, but by then they become uncomfortable and then they pop and peel extremely bad.. they are mostly on the tops of my toes and inbetween them… they also come in my insteap and on the back of my heel.
When they peel they bleed and the skin becomes real hard and will continue to peel for moths in big clumps to where I have exposed sores all over my foot. Do you have any ideas on what it could be?

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    9 10

    hey, I have the same things. I have had a fungal infection for about 2 years now, and now I am beginning ot have blisters. I have two. They are both on my little toe of my left foot. One is on the top, and one is on the bottom. They are sore, but have not popped. Should I pop them? I am using Lotrisone and Tinactin twice a day. Thanks…


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