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    I have spranged my right ancle several times over the years. WHen I was young I did not let it heal porperly, I guess because every now and then it will hurt. You can tell it is not quite a strong as it should be….. So a couple of months ago I spranged my left ancle; or so I thought. I did not go to the doctor because I had so spranges in my life. I have never spranged this ancle, though. My point is, it still hurts really bad. I can walk on it but with pain; sometimes it does not bother me at all but most of the time it does especially after being sedentary for a period of time. I do not have the money to go to the doctor for a xray. At this point, I would think it is a fracture because it is different than a sprange and could not possibly be broken if I can walk on it, right? What suggestions do you have for me?


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    1. I broke the tip off the end of the fibula. My dr says he does not see the need to go to an orthopedic dr. Is this good advice?
    (Note 2) Am in a boot and still in terrible pain after 10 days. When will pain be lessened?
    3. I have fibromyalgia and the inactivity is not good – am already getting aches and pains from not being to move. Any suggestions? Also have terrible weight problem and need to be active to keep my metabulism stimulated. Am very slow to heal so expect to be laid up longer than 4-6 weeks. So moving around is very important to me. Thanks for your help and any other suggestions you can make – i.e., physical therapy when healedor what??????


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    I had a MVA in November and had surgery on LL ankle had plate and screws placed but I have a lot of pain specially on LLE me P.T. mentiones a new brace that defers WB thru tibia and would like to know more about this brace.
    Thank you


    9 10

    I had a MVA in November and had surgery on LL ankle had plate and screws placed but I have a lot of pain specially on LLE my P.T. mentioned a new brace that defers WB thru tibia and would like to know more about this brace. Thank you


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