Broken collar bone

My daughter broke her collar bone on 24 December 2013.
She is eleven years old.
Her treatment has consisted of a sling during waking hours, tylenol for pain and ibuprofen for swelling and has been told to limit the use of the arm.
We have had 2 xrays one in emergency and one as directed my administering PA.
There is no discoloration and no visible deformation on the area.
Her pain on a scale of 1-10 is a 5.
The xray TECHNICIAN (who was an older fellow but NOT a DOCTOR) said that he thought she should go to ortho after looking at the xray.
The break is in the middle region on the bone with no (my eyes)signs of fragments.
Her collar bone has a uniform diameter of a little over one centimeteris.
The alignment is what concerns me.
The two ends are not pointed at each other but are extended past each other by about 2-3 centimeters, although they ARE PARALLEL.
The break appears to me to be not a flat ended break but more of a slant on each end of the bone.
The bones are separated by less than a centimeter more like a quarter of an inch.
I asked the treating PA if she need to see orthotold.
He said the bone alignment is what we are concerned with and that hers is good.
He also said the new bone will bridge the gap and that the raised ends or points that remain will be smoothed out over time.
What do you think?

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