broken humerous bone at shoulder

(3 discussions)

Is there some physical thereapy I can do at home? And do you know why it would be popping at the shoulder when I move my arm foward?



    9 10

    I have the exact same injury, I got a rod and screws put in a few months ago, and have been in physical therapy for 2 months now, certian exercise I do there is a lot of popping, and some there is none, it is usually just from all of the cartilage and extra bone settleing down. When the therapist streches me and it pops it actually helps the movement and healing! Good Luck~!


    9 10

    With the humerous being one of the hardest bones in the body, is it normal for this bone to be broken during and arrest; where, a police officer would wing the arm behind the back?Radial nerve damage resulting from a broken humerous, is it likely that it could have been previously injured? Is there percentagae deficit for Radial nerve damage, and what would be the level of severity before surgery? Does this condition ever get better? I do realize it can get worse.


    9 10

    i shattered my humerous it healed 25/30% diplaced I also broke my collar bone and fractured my scapula and damaged the nerves in my arm I fell 10ft and landed on an out streached arm my question is can you get thorsic out let syndrome from an injury like this …. Thank you terry


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