broken patella

(2 discussions)

I had surgery to repair a broken patella on dec.14 The bottom portion of my kneecap broke off. The bottom portion of my kneecap was too little to put a screw in it. So the doctor threw it away and reattached my tendons using a metal sheath. In order for me to rehabilitate my left knee I have been doing quadricep lifts,riding a bike, and playing”very-very”light games of basketball.
What else could I do inorder to strengthen my knee. So that I could get back to playing basketball 7 days a week.



    9 10

    I am a 70 years old woman. I fell down on the 21st of August and broke my left sided patella. X-rays showed that it was broken in two pieces horizontally, these pieces were not fully separated. There were a gap of 3 mm from the front side. The doctor put my leg in cast and told me to return in a one month period to check it back and see if everything is OK, otherwise I should be operated to wire my kneecap. I am wondering about my chances of avoiding a surgery and about the period I should keep the cast before doing a new X-ray


    9 10

    in nov 2010 I had a motor bike accident which left me with on my left leg post cruciat ligerment damage which needed 2 screws and a metal plate and on my right knee I broke it in half, for that I had tension banding wrapped around it


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