cant afford physical therapy for broken ankle!

(9 discussions)

i broke my ankle Jan 20 06 i’ve been walking without crutches for 3 weeks with no physical therapy because I have no insurance. what can I do at home? exercises..etc.. I have some pain and swelling, and limping


    May PT

    9 10

    You’re walking on a broken ankle??? Uh, go to the goodwill and get a pair of crutches and get OFF your foot ASAP. Then, see if you have a free clinic in your area and get it looked at. No exercises just yet.


    9 10

    My name is Jackie Holland. I had an accident at work and broke fibia, tibia, outside middle foot and akelis heel…..My comp any refuses to pay for therapy. I am 4 weeks behind after cast being taken off. Please send free therapy info so that I may heal my foot and walk again. Thanks 817-726-0384 or office 817-473-2666


    9 10

    hello I am in the same place no insurance and a broken ankle . I should get my cast off next week. if you have any pointers for me I would appriciate it. hope your feeling betterthanks


    9 10

    I broke my right ankle and dislocated my left hip back in november in a car accident I don’t have insurance I have been seeing an doctor but can not afored that and physcial therapy. I have been doing some exercises with strech bands and have ok up and down movement but I need exercisies for side to side movement, and I do have a pin and I think that is what is making side to side so bad. Any exercises would be wonderful thank you …


    9 10

    I know it sensored to not have insurance, I have determined that I would heal my ankle myself. If I broke it, I can fix it. I want to dance and be able to do all the outdoor activities I used to. So I am doing my own home therapy. I want to get back to classes, but first I have to strengthen it myself. I have a close friend who has given me the basics as to what to do and have found that I almost instinctively know what I should be doing. The first thing that goes is the flexibility, since being in a cast you are not moving any ligaments around. I massage my ankle alot, put muscle rub ointment on it to help it as well. Massage is important to try to circulate the area and hopefully remove scar tissue buildup that happens when injured. Walking and stretching, way good. you also have to start strengthening. Anyway, I don’t even know if this is what I was supposed to write. Don’t get mad, get even by showing the world you can heal yourself.


    9 10

    My name is Carolyn, and I broke my ankle and foot in February 2017. I have currently had my cast removed, replaced by an aircast. And now it’s time for therapy, but am unable to afford it without insurance. I have been doing exercise of flexing them both. What can I do to help my therapy go smoother. Oh yeah, I am a Juvenile Diabetetic. Thanks


    9 10

    I had bimalleolar fixation sx 6 wks ago. No insurance and in between jobs. Can’t afford phy therapy any exercises I can do at home to help heal rt broken ankle???? also any tips on driving with this damn “walking boot”


      9 10

      My 12 year old brother fractured his femur and dislocated his knee in football. We can not afford insurance and medicaid will not cover him because of the Ford F150 we owned that got repoed in Feb. the repo company will not send info. in order for us to qualify because it is under my deceased dad’s name. I need help with my brother I want him to be able to successfuly walk again. Somebody HELP MY BROTHER! please e-mail me at [email protected]


    9 10

    I can’t afford physical therapy for my broke ankle, and the dr. has released me to a therapy dr.. what can I do at home to inprove my ankle.


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