Chin Splints

I have been doing alot of walking lately, hills are part of the walk.
I developed pain in the chin of my right left.
The pain goes from below my knee to my upper foot.
I am pretty sure it is chin splints.
How long does it take to heal and what can I do to releave the pain and help it heal faster?

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    I 2 have battled shin splints, and been very frustrated on how it can slow your progress when training, altho I didn’t know u could do it to a part of your face (chin)…lol jk . Theres 2 stratageys u can really use to fix them, both work, but one takes way longer. The long way is described here It works fine, and will even help you if you choose the short way, which is the following:1) Go to an athletic or sports injury related store and get a pair of elastic ankle brases. Something that will just constrain the motion of your feet enough to maintain proper form, and reduce side-impact while running. I find it also places more strain on my feet, instead of deathly sore shins.2) Examine the way you run. Start running by only allowing the front 2/3 of your foot to touch the ground, never letting your heel clap (***most important part***). If you currently have bad running form, this could make your feet feel sore as hell for a few days when you start moving correctly, and even difficult to do at first, but trust me, you’ll get over it. Make sure your not bending your knees too much or taking too long of strides as you run. Bending your knees alot or long strides will only result in a harder impact on the ground, something u don’t need while recovering. A nice short stride, implying an almost springlike motion when your foot bounces off the ground can be much more productive than a slam-stop-slam motion while running.3) Ice your shins after you run, and use aspirin 3x daily to reduce the inflamation in your leg muscles, just don’t take them right b4 u run or it could make u feel a little sick.4) Start doing some other non-impact related activities while you train your legs. Things like cycling, swimming, or even light leg-weight training can strengthen your legs and speed recovery time. 5) Try to stay off asphault and concrete when you run, the softer the surface, the less impact on your shins. And try to take your time a little at first, altho this quick method doesnt involve stopping your training alltogeather, you should still go easy at first.If you follow this to a T your shin splints should be gone or at least greatly reduced within a week or 2 of running, without the need to take time off. If your currrently in alot of pain, it really wouldnt hurt to take at least a day off b4 trying the fast method.Hope this helps, and hf running….: I have been doing alot of walking lately, hills are part of the walk. I developed pain in the chin of my right left. The pain goes from below my knee to my upper foot. I am pretty sure it is chin splints. : How long does it take to heal and what can I do to releave the pain and help it heal faster?


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