Chronic Non-Healing Foot Fracture ???

(2 discussions)

What does this mean “Chronic Non-Healing Foot Fracture”?
I just had Xrays taken last week of my left foot and this is what they reported, or so I was told by the nurse on the phone.
I am being sent to see an orthapedic next week.
Just wondering what to expect?
I fell on July 4th and thought I had sprained my ankle.
Stayed off of it for a week or so. Then began walking on it, was very painful at first but then it would ease up and be OK.
Until I got off my feet…A few weeks later, my foot started swelling on the top and I couldn’t fit in my shoe…just has kept getting worse. Now 2 1/2 months later the pain can be a 10+ at times.
It can be constant throbbing to sharp stabbing pains….
It feels like painful electrical shocks sometimes. Other times, when I step down on my foot to walk, it feels like the bones are trying to push through the skin.
I also have tingling and numbness going to my toes now.
Pain up in my ankle area now too.



    9 10

    Get an M.R.I. scan normal xrays do not show ligament or avulsion fractures. Many snowboarders say they have just sprained ankle later to find out they had a multiple fractures of the talus etc.


      9 10

      I’m not sure if I have tendonitis or what it is – I have a lump on my achilles tendon just above the heel bone on my right foot. It seems to be freemoving when I lift my foot or lower it, it’s painful and very stiff first thing in the morning. This has surfaced within the past 3 weeks and seems to be getting larger and more painful with each day. I’ve checked under tendon ganglion to see if this could be my problem but can’t find anything. Any suggestions or comments would be greatly apreciated.


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