drop foot due to nerve damage

I am 36 years old and underwent a major hip surgery on Dec. 2, 2012.
I suffered nerve damage from the surgery and have had severe foot drop since then.
I have been going for physical therapy since Feb. 2013.
It has been over eight months since my surgery and have regained very little movement of my right foot.
I can push my foot down and out to the right, however, I can move my toes and foot upward and inward very little.
I am still having severe pain in my foot and toes.
My physical therapist says that the nerve regenerates very slowly at only 1 mm per month.
Is this true? Any other information on this will be greatly appreciated. Thanks very much!

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    I’m 23 years old with a similar problem, I was in a major automobile accident and shatter my pelvis on Aug 28, 2013.My doctor had to secure my pelvis and spine together with screws, he had to avoid my bladder and bowel, in doing so he must have hit a nerve and damaged it. I started with drop foot and minor tingling. The dr’s and nurses elevated my foot and made me wear a brace to keep my foot straight. In time in the hospital It worked. But now I am home with terrible pain! I have sharp tingling pain in certain area’s of the foot, with a burning sensation. My doctor put me on nerontin which doesn’t help at all. I constantly keep it iced to numb the pain. I’ll be starting physical therapy soon and would like to enjoy it without this pain. If there is anything you recommend me doing or asking my doctors, let me know, Thanks.


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