elbow pain

(2 discussions)

Hi, I have had sore elbows and arms for 1 and 1/2 years now.
I have done physio, massage, ultra sound, acupuncture with electric current, osteopath, topical creams, ice, exercise, worn braces.
I also take Vioxx everyday. the doctor cahnged from Celebrex to Vioxx. I had cortisone shots last winter but they wore off.
The pain is getting worse, not better with time and my arms feel stiff and weak all the time.
I am 49 and want to feel better and be able to participate in more things. I am naturally very flexible in my arms (double jointed) but my loose ligaments seem tight now. Could there be any other solutions that you could suggest? Could this condition be anything other than tendonitis? The elbow bone is very sore to the touch but the weakness and soreness goes all the way down my arms .
The right arm is the lateral bone and the left arm is the medial bone.
I don’t know what to do anymore.
I don’t know if this is related but my knees have been sore in the last couple of weeks too.
Stairs hurt sometime and they get tired if I stand for a long time. If I twisted my knee how long should that take to heal? Hope you can help.
Thanks, Mary Ellen



    9 10

    apply some turmeric[ in spices at grocery] wet with a little olive oil; also eat some gingerbread or ginger root tea at least once a week…sometimes a person has gallstones and the pain is referred…elbows hurt…have a doc check your gallbaldder…can you eat cannage or onions without indigestion? if not that may well be why.


    9 10

    My name is Laura and I am 17 years old. I also am double jointed in my right arm and feel the same pain. Especially when it’s cold out, that’s the worst! Well I’ve also done most of what you have done above and was wondering what helped out the most because nothing seems to get rid of the pain. I’ve tried massages, acupuncture, creams, exercises, MRI’s, medicine, X-rays, braces… and still, Nothing! So if you would just let me know what next do you think would help the most. Thank you and God Bless!-Laura


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