I cant Understand what my results say???

(3 discussions)

I got my Xray results back, I didn’t see the Photos, just the paper an dit said :Impressions:There is Mild Arthritis Affecting the Lower thoracic vertebral Body,Marginal Spur formation and some accentuated lordosisanother view:There are Mild Degenerative Changes affecting the lumbar spine with marginal spur formation and disc space narrowing however no fractures. I hurt my back in 07,lots of construction and impropr lifting and overweight…. and The Pain is Definately not Minimal or Mild, I have been getting worse pains especially in the groin area, canot sit or walk or stand for long periods of times.Pain is so frustrating it never goes away and I can’t even think, I have beebn through So many diffrent pain meds, nothing works fully,they mostly kinda dumb me up and….. I am such a hirrible person to be around, I am overweight I know that has alot to do with it. But what does all that stuff mean? I need someone to explain that to a simple person as myself. Thank you so much.


    Dr Anthony Gambale

    9 10

    Dear Bridget,Chiropractic adjustments will help stimulate his nervous system which can possibly help with any health condition.Please fell free to visit our web site for more helpful information regarding health problems. Kind regards Dr Anthony Gambale

    Dr Anthony Gambale

    9 10

    Sorry for the wrong reply I will post an answer for you asap. Kind regards

    Dr Anthony Gambale

    9 10

    Dear Rex,A long standing abnormal spinal alignment has caused the disc to deteriorate.You may benefit from our web site by learning more about Loss of normal spinal curves. Kind regards Dr Anthony Gambale


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