I’m 20 and still have osgood-schlatters……

I was a gymnast from the age of 5 till I was 14 and when I was about 12, I developed osgood-schlatters.
I was told that it would eventually go away, but it never did. And soon after, it developed into a large, hard bump.
I am now 20, and I still have occassional pain and the bump never went away. Unfortunately, I believe that surgery is the only form of treatment.
Is this true? Or are there other alternatives?

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    9 10

    I am a 16 year old male and have been diagnosed with osgood schlatters for the last 3 years. I am very active in sport, including, cricket, tennis, and have been in the australian ballet school for 3 years from the age of 9 till 12 years of age. But now I have decided to stop all sport until I see an improvment. Its been now 3 months since I have stopped all sport and my knee has not improved. I have been attending physio for the last year.Is there anything else I can do???surgery???


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