Injured Ankle

(4 discussions)

Hi I have extreme pain on the inside of my foot so I have been talking on the outside of it…in turn I did some sort of damage to my foot and ankle, just don’t know what. I saw my podiatrist yesterday and she keeps saying it my old problem, that I need PT again and such and there is no injury to it just weak muscles. When I walk or stand up my foot pops if I do the home PT stuff my foot pops at times it will catch and it takes 5-10min. for it to release. My foot is also very swollen. I was very upset cause I felt I should have got an X-ray or CT of my ankle/foot to see whats going on but she didn’t order anything. I still think if you saw your patient 3wks ago walking after almost a yr of not being able to and then being told this was a new injory something would have been done. Do you know what this could be? Is there anything I should do other then stay off it as much as possible? I do have a boot but she says I don’t need it and I also have crutches. It seems to be getting worse everyday so I know it won’t be long before I have no choice but to use the crutches. I can’t wear any type of shoe including a house slipper anymore even a sock it really bad now. I’m going to call for a second opinon but insurance takes forever. Please point me in the right direction. Thanks.


    Vivian Abrams DPM

    9 10

    I suggest a MRI as you can see soft tissue as well as bone. A CT or x-ray will not be as helpful.If there is a reason you are waitng for your insurance to ok the 2nd opinion, then OK. If you can see anyone else on your plan then don’t hesitate.


    9 10

    I’ve been told no MRI’s what so ever, so I guess I would have to ask but when I had my stimulator implanted to booklet that came with it had a nice bright red form that said no MRI’s. What is an EMG/NCV Nerve test and what does it consist of? Again Thanks for your help. Karen


    9 10

    I can’t have an MRI cause I have a spinal cord stimulator implanted… What will a CT show if anything?

    Vivian Abrams DPM

    9 10

    A CT is very sophisticated x-rays.Are you sure you can’t have an open MRI. Where you just have your leg in the tube? I am not really sure if that is possible with the stimulator.


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