Joint Problems and Muscle Pain in a 15 year old boy

(6 discussions)

Hello, my son just turned 15 (November) and is currently umable to play ice hockey at his high school due to pain in several parts of his body.
For example: last winter, he fell while snowboarding and had a tiny stress fracture in his wrist. It took 9 months to heal (though there is still pain in the wrist). And in august he sprained his other wrist, he still has pain there (as of November).
In his HIPS (THIS IS THE MAIN REASON HE IS UNABLE TO PLAY HOCKEY): One day in about september he did leg lifts (ONE set of 10 reps), which he used to do all the time in 7th and 8th grade, and the next day his hips were really sore. They never got better and he tried playing hockey in early october. The next morning he had EXTREME pain in his hips, which is still there (though not as intense), even though he has done NO activity involving his legs since.
He lifted weights one day about a month ago. He kept everything below 60 pounds becuase he was jsut getting back into lifting after ther great ordeal with his wrist, and he used great form. The next day he had severe pain in the vertebrae in the middle of his spine, which will not go away. It is very debilitating (as is his hips). He used to be a very devoted budybuilder/weightlifter during 7th and 8th grade, but was unable to continue to do so after the problems in his wrist. He fallows a very strict and healthy diet, which doctors have apporved of.
The best way to describe his problems is like getting stabbed in the finger with a needle, there’s not much tissue-damage done, but it hurts like–. So when he gets hurt, or sometimes they are unnexplainable injuries, it there is intense pain, much more than should be there, and it NEVER seems to heal.
We have been to SO many doctors over the past several weeks, i cant even count them all. I have more information, as much as you want. If you have ANY questions what-so-ever, (such as backround, doctor’s diagnosis, etc.) please leave a comment and I will get back to you within a day. Thank you so much for all of your help!

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    9 10

    There may be some internal investigations warranted. Inquiring about his internal health (digestion, absorption, assimilation, etc) may prove worthwhile. Whom to listen to is another question.

    I have found these to be reasonably reliant online resources for gathering insight.

    Only you know the intricate details of your situation and these are worth spending some time cruising.

    This next one wants a few dollars. The symptom survey can be very valuable and you can re-visit it for your family and friends.
    The purpose is to continue gathering insight as to what is going on the inside. Example, symptoms might indicate a slight diminished organ function which can be addressed in addition to other info…so log on, fill it out with your info and if you want to run the results past me, just forward the results or ask your questions. You can also save the results, repeat the form to monitor change from their viewpoint.
    If you are interested in the supplements, I can assist you.

    I have been practicing and teaching corrective bodywork for over 25 yrs. The foundation of my work is based in my apprenticeship with Lauren Berry, RPT and structural engineer. Although diagnosing from a distance is a bit absurd, common injuries can often


    9 10

    Alright, we’ve come to the conclusion that it’s not depression. We’re looking at two things now: 1)The Meditate and 2)Mineral Imbalences. There are a lot of things pointing toward mineral imbalanced like Berrworker suggested. For one thing, he’s been supplumenting with multiple vitamins and minerals for years, and he’s only 15. If anyone has any comments on this issue, please feel free to add in your piece of mind. And thank you for everyone’s help!


    9 10

    Now they think it’s depression, so they’ve got him on Zoloft for like 6 weeks, if that doesn’t work we’re going to try taking him off his add medicine (Medidate CD)


    9 10

    Several thoughts

    1. Slow healing
    This mysterious Slow healing could be connected with mineral imbalances and toxins. I would suggest asking your friends for a referral for a Naturopath, one who has a good reputation and has been in practice for over 10 years.

    2. Pain in the middle of his spine and hip.
    This is often related to lower back/hip/pelvis imbalance. I would suggest consulting an Osteopath that does manipulation. This can also be associated with digestive disorders. It sounds like he has a good thoughtful diet. I would consult the osteopath and the Naturopath.

    Should there be a diagnosis of RSD, I have worked successfully with this.


    9 10

    ATsoccergirl, I have not thought about that. But we are very opened minded at the moment and will definetly consider that a possibility, as well as do a little research on it. Thanks!


    9 10

    Have you looked into getting a referral to a pain management specialist. There is something called reflex sympathetic dystrophy (RSD) in which the pain is way out of proportion to the instigating event. Look around on the internet, there is tons of research out there, see if it makes sense.


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