Knee pain

Hello all,

i practice sport for 8 years now, including karate, weight lifting and running.
the last month or so, after every running i felt pain in the inside of my right knee, a pain that lasted for about 2 days.
the last time the pain lasted for 4 days after it passed. the pain only appeard after running and not after karate or weight lifting.
im currently resting for almost 2 weeks but still i happend to run for a very short time (2 minute !) and i felt the knee…

any suggestions anyone of whats the problem ?
thanks in advance

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1 Comment found


    9 10

    That is exactly the same as me and I cannot find any info about it!!

    I started running a year ago. I built up my stamina and then did a couple of road marathons a day apart. 14km the first day, 17km the second day. My knees ached when I finished the second but I thought that was to be expected. I did not push myself, but I did not walk at all either. I rested for four days and then did my normal 5km run and a set of stairs on my route. I started getting the pain on the left side of the patella on my right knee. A small lump has now formed on top of the natural edge of patella lump, it is hardish and something inside moves when I run a finger over it. It mainly hurts now when I am sat for a long time without moving the knee, and also when I run or walk down stairs! What the heck is it!!
    Sorry to give you no ideas on your post, but does this sound similar to your problem?


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