Left lower abdominal pain

My son has left lower abdominal pain and nausea, vomits when he tries to work out at the gym and uses his abdominal muscles, tired all the time, unable to tolerate standing and sitting with due to pain. Drives a semi and bounces around a lot in it. Tried sitting on pillows, then tried placing a tennis ball at the site of pain and holding it in place with a belt and that helped some. Had an abdominal/pelvic CT and a colonoscopy which showed nothing and lab tests were normal. Wouldn’t several doctors examining him have found an inguinal hernia? What else could it be? What tests need to be done to find the answer? Is there any treatment you can think of? I know if it’s a hernia he will need surgery. We would appreciate any help at all.

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    Doesnt sound like anything ‘ordinary’, the nausea, pain and vomitting sound like someone that ate then worked out, is that a factor in this? an inguinal hernia would be hard to miss, especially if more than one doc examined him. could be an atypical presentation of a kidney stone? thats just a guess. a ‘pinched nerve’ would be like a sharp stabbing pain in the side more than the abdomin, any other details you can give?


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