Last year in april I had a Grade 2 MCL sprain and my patela was dislocated. I went through countless rehab and got cleared. on the first day of football practice without a brace I made a cut to turn upfield and my knee again popped out of place. My doctor thought that it was my MCL causing all the trouble so he went in and did surgery to suture it back together. Then he cleared me and gave me a patella tracker brace with hinges on the side. Well it has been about 3 1/2 months since the surgery and I was cleared a couple of weeks ago but friday I was playing a basketball game for my school by the way im 16. I went up to block a shot and I came down awkwardly on my bad knee I heard a pop similar to the 2 previous injuries but the pop was not as loud and the pain wasnt as bad. The knee is very swollen but has went down for the most part. I feel my MCL a little bruised but other than that I feel fine.I have a game tuesday and feel like playing my parents want me to go to the doctor but I know my limitations and think I can play. I think I didnt have my brace on tight enough and just dislocated my knee cap again. Somebody please give me some thoughts on this subject I need replies imediatley as my game is tomorrow.

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    I forgot to mention that the injury on the court friday was bad enough for me to fall to the ground and be escorted off the court on my own power.


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