mild thoracic dextroscoliosis

(5 discussions)

My brother had an xray when he was 16. His Roentgenological report:”There is a suspicious nodular density underlying the left first anterior rib. Thoracic spine is mildly dextroscoltotic. Suggest additional apicolordotic view.”But we haven’t done anything until now. He is already 20 years old. Is his disease dangerous or will be dangerous in the future & is braces the only thing he needs? Will drinking milk help? Pls advise. Thanks!



    9 10

    First thing off is that scoliosis is not a disease. It is a condition of abnormal spinal structure which can cause dis-ease, or not feeling correct. The Dextro in front of scoliosis only describes how the scoliosis is shaped. Dextro means right as in the scoliosis, which is really just a curvature of the spinal column with rotation, to the right. If the scoliosis went to the left it would be Levoscoliosis. The nodular density is something worth noting. I would recommend, since it has been a few years, another view of the area to see if the nodular density has changed or enlarged. Heck it may even be gone by now. The additional view suggested is just to view the area in a different manner, by the radiologist. Drinking milk will not help unless his blood calcium level is low, or he just likes it a lot. Scoliosis is a musculo-skeletal problem and needs help. A brace while it may straighten his spine, like the leg braces in Forest Gump did for the title character, could have negative effects. The most prominent of which would be decreased motion through the vertebral discs. See discs get their nutrition through movement. When a disc doesn’t move enough or in the correct manner it dries up, or dessicates. When they dessicate they aren’t as mobile as they used to be and they don’t absorb impacts as well as they could. The best thing you can do for your brother is get him to see a chiropractor regularly. DCs can help to reduce the curvature and may find the cause of it: leg length imbalance, pelvic tilt, or even something as simple as a fallen arch. If it is a congenital problem like a malformed vertebra then a DC can help but not as much as in other cases. The sooner you get your brother to a DC they better his bones are mostly solid now, as opposed to earlier in life when they were mostly cartilage. They are only about 5 years away from being totally bone, this occurs typically around 25.


    9 10

    Drink milk won’t help. Sounds like his curvature is minimal. Therefore his scoliosis is probably functional, that means it is due to biomechanical or postural alterations. A chiropractor would be his best bet for helping this problem. At 20 years old he is fully grown and if the scoliosis is structural, meaning it is congenital and due to malformed vertebral, the curve cannot be reversed. As the person grows the condition can be helped and corrected to a point but only as the person is still growing. It’s like a twig on a tree that is growing in the wrong direction, as the tree grows so does the twig. If constant pressure is applied to the twig it will correct its course, the same can be said with regard to the spine. If the chiropractor continually does adjustments to the vertebra in the right direction, the spine will be forced into normal alignment. It won’t correct it 100% but it can sufficiency reduce the curvature of the spine.


    9 10

    i would just like to know what are the causes why I had mild thoracic dextroscoliosis? I


    9 10

    i would just like to know what are the causes why I had mild thoracic dextroscoliosis? how bad is it? I don’t drink milk ever since but will it help me if I start drinking milk now. my back usually hurt especiallly when it is cold, is it normal?


      9 10

      Id like to know what is a medicine can take with this kind of disease?


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