My Arm Won’t Staighten!! HELP ME !!

: My arm is really tight,it won’t even straighten, how can I lossen it. It hurts when I serve in tennis as I play tennis every day!! Is there anything I can do to make it straight again??? Any Ideas?

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    I am now in 10th grade and I had an accident happen to me during my 8th grade year. I dislocated my elbow broke a bone in my elbow and broke a bone in my lower arm. I had a cast on for quite a while and I went to physical therapy for over a year. I had to wear this machine over night that straightened my arm over night, but my arm is still NOT STRAIGHT!! I don’t know any other person that has a “non-straight” arm. Its affecting a lot of things in my life. I am a cheerleader and I absolutley love doing it but there is now certain things that I cannot do because if my injury. please help me and give me tips or something on what I can do.


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