my back

I had a back exray taken and here are the findings: Advanced degenerative disc disease at L4-5 and L5-S1. Hypertrophic degenerative facet disease bilaterally at L4-5 and L5-S1. There is mild levoscoliosis. What does all this mean, besides the fact that I am in constant pain???

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    DC student

    9 10

    “Advanced degenerative disc disease at L4-5 and L5-S1.”This means that the discs between your last 2 vertebra and the sacrum are degenerating. They are basically wearing away. It will continue and the space between your vertebrae will continue to get smaller. Also the space for your spinal nerves will contineu to get smaller as well, until something like a bone growth or surgery stops it.”Hypertrophic degenerative facet disease bilaterally at L4-5 and L5-S1. “Facets are a part of the vertebra that are on the back part. If you click on this link “There is mild levoscoliosis. “Levoscoliosis is a left bend of the spinal column. Most people’s spine will bend either to the right or the left a little bit and if you are old enough to have disc degeneration then it will likely not change much even with treatment.”What does all this mean, besides the fact that I am in constant pain???”I hope that answers your questions, if not write back and I will answer any further questions you have.


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