My left big toe nail is less than half attached….

I was at a friend’s party about a week ago. I was dance when a guy accidentally stepped backwards onto my big toe. I didn’t have my shoes on. And he didn’t have on just any shoes, they were formal men’s shoes. The heel landed just a little past where the crest is. Now a week later, the nail is mostly blue and loose. I guess what would be called the “beginning” of the nail is still under the skin, but it is loose. But the upper half is attached, or so it feels.
So my question is, will my nail ever fall off on it’s own? Are there other methods of removal? Thanks.

1 Comment found

    Vivian Abrams DPM

    9 10

    A new nail will slowly grow and push off the old nail. It will take months though. If it is bothering you, see a podiatrist who can clip away the loose part and smooth it down.


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