neck and spine

I am constantly cracking my neck and spine, People yell at me and say how bad it is to do it, but chiropractors do it for people all the time. Is this bad for me if I do it myself, I know when I do it, it feels much better

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    9 10

    If you are doing a gradual stretch slow motion and hear an audable that is not bad. However if you are forcing the motion to get a release this is not good. A chiropractor is adjusting the spine were they have diagnosed a subluxation or fixation an area that is not moving in its normal range of motion. The chiropractic adjustment is specific to that area of misalignment. The areas that you are moving are already freely moveable, so now your causeing the area to become hyper-mobile. The good feeling you experience is only temporary unlike the chiropractic adjutment which will make a correction and last much longer.


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