Neck Pain.

(10 discussions)

Hi Doctor,Today I woke up with a severe neck pain. It is down the left shoulder and till me left upper arm. What could be the cause of it. I am very scared. Is it something to do with Spondilitis or whatever that is.Please advise.THanks.UB



    9 10

    I own a business that operated both in the retail and on-line markets. I personally maintain the Website business and work on a computer from 9am until midnight. Realistically I am on the computer solid for many hours at a time taking a few breaks to get the circulation back into my extremities. My biggest problem is my neck pain from looking at the computer monitor. Should my monitor be directly at eye level w/o having to look down at all? Can I find a neck brace that I can wear while at my computer to facilitate proper neck position while working?


      9 10

      Dear Jim,It sounds like you are a busy man. As far as your computer monitor, it should be at a level that promoted a neutral position for your neck. That means that there should be no turning to the sides, or looking down or up. Most office chairs have a vertical lift that you can position them to your monitor. I would advise you to not wear any braces while working. Braces for the spine can cause atrophy of postural muscles and affect the strength of the supporting ligaments. Make your office and work station “ergonomically correct”, and you will feel better. Maybe working less than 15 hours a day may help too!Thanks for the question.


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    : Today I woke up with a severe neck pain. It is down the left shoulder and till me left upper arm.: What could be the cause of it. I am very scared. Is it something to do with Spondilitis or whatever that is.: Please advise.: THanks.: UBDear UB, It sounds to me like you may have a cervical (neck) problem that is irritating the nerves that innervate your arm. The nerves that exit your spine from the third cervical through the first thoracic form a group of nerves called the Brachial Plexus. This group of nerves controls all the responses of your upper extremity. So when they get pressure on them, pain and numbness can radiate into the upper extremity. It sounds to me like you should go see a Chiropractor and have him check it out. Spondylitis is irritation associated with a degenerative joint. Spondylitis could cause this type of problem, so get it check out. Good Luck!


    9 10

    I have a stiffness in my neck and cannot turn my head from side to side. I feel pain when I swallow. It’s been this way for two days but it’s only getting worse.: THanks.: UB


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    My husband is experiencing severe neck pain for the third or forth time. It so bad he can not move one ounce. He has Spondilitis but we don’t know if that has anything to do with it. His doctor said it is muscle. My husband does not believe it is that because his muscles don’t hurt. He said it feels like a grinding in his neck. Do you have any idea what this can be?


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    : I have been experiencing neck pain for the past 6mos to 1 year. I had a bone scan done which revealed mild increased uptake is noted in the lumbar vertebrae (4 and 5) as well in both hip joints consistent with degenerative changes. More or less my physician indicated it was arthritis. I have been having neck pains as well as pain to both my shoulders,middle back andrt knee. My doctor placed me on Naproxen which is not helping. Can you supply me with more information as to what I can do to eleviate the pain. Thank youBDK :


    9 10

    : I have severe neck pain on the left side. It almost feels like severe stiff neck with some burning sensation. What could it be.


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    I have had this brace made for me ,and it was a big help but it was stolen form my car last month. I wish to know where I can get another one made for me


    9 10

    : Today I woke up with a severe neck pain. It is down the left shoulder and till me left upper arm.: What could be the cause of it. I am very scared. Is it something to do with Spondilitis or whatever that is.: Please advise.: THanks.: UB


    9 10

    : : I have severe neck pain on the left side. It almost feels like severe stiff neck with some burning sensation.: what could it be.


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