Neck pain, clicking in neck, stiffness

hi, can any one help me, I have a very painful neck, from below my earbone to my collar bone I have severe pain, when I turn my head to the right it clicks and the pain is horrible, if I try not to turn for a while when I then turn to the left I have to trn my whole body as I cannot just turn my head, also I work looking down, ( I am a nail technician) so after 30 mins or so it is very painful to look up, the gp says its just a stiff neck but its been this way for about 3 months now and its not getting any better. Please help, would massage therepy help, do you think it may be a stress related thing???Jo.

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    It’s probably related to your work. I treat many dental hygienists, dentists and hairdressers who all have similar complaints. Sounds to me like a joint problem, massage will help but probably only temporarily. Go see a chiropractor, the joints of your spine are locking. Adjustment of the spine will free them up and relieve the pressure on them. This in turn will improve mobility, and the pain and spasm should diminish. It’s a mechanical problem, medication will offer relief but won’t correct the problem, same with massage.


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