
I am too poor to see any kind of doctor, and I lack medical insurance.
I have what I think is neuralgia under the toes of my left foot.
I get along okay most of the time, but when I’m most bothered is at night, when about 5 nights out of 7, my foot wakes me up from the pain.
The only solution is to get up and walk on it for 5 or 10 minutes, and by then I’m wide-awake and have insomnia.
I’ve tried wearing slippers, which seems hit-or-miss.
I need a free or inexpensive solution–something to do with my foot so that it won’t wake me up.

1 Comment found

    Vivian Abrams DPM

    9 10

    I am sorry, there is not enough information for me to even hazard a guess. I also tend to avoid speculating on RSD. I really recommend that you discuss your concerns in depth with your doctor. Write down and ask questions and then get the answers you need.


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