New Knee Pain

Played last night. Took a shot. As my knee (hyper)extended i felt a pain. today is swollen and painful. this is the knee which i had a reconstruction and cartiledge removal on. it is very frustrating that i cant seem to play footie without feeling like a stiff old grandpa at best and at worst spending days like today icing, strapping taking ibuprofen. should i give up football?
my personal diagnosis is that my muscles arent strong enough. can anyone advise me on exercises that would be good for building up the knee?
i’m gonna see a physio!

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    You and my mother sound a lot a like (except of course, she’s 52 yrs. old). She’s torn the meniscus in her left knee twice within six months of each surgery. A few weeks back she was playing footie and torn part of her ACL, then two weeks later tore the rest of it while gardening. She doesn’t even get to see the doc. for a pre-op appointment for another four weeks!

    Some good knee exercises are wall-sits, sliding down a wall with your back against it until you are at a 90 degree angle or until you knee starts bothering you. Or you could sit with a regular ball between your quads. Squeeze the ball for about five seconds and then release. Repeat about 10 times.
    Hope this helps and you can get back to playing soon mate!

    “I don’t run a race to see who is the fastest. I run a race to see who has the most guts.” – Pre


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