numbness in left foot… please help

I have had numbness in my left foot for about a week now. I had it a little while before but it has come back for some reason.
There are a few things that I think might be causing it I have been drinking a lot of alcohol recently (I do not have diabetes), I have been walking a lot more now than I ever have before (college campus) and I have recently stopped taking a few medecines a while ago (cipro was one of them). Also, I have had several sprains in the my left ankle in the past, maybe it could be a pinched nerve? any input on this would be greatly appreciated, thank you.

1 Comment found

    Vivian Abrams DPM

    9 10

    Unless I examined you, I really am not going to be able to give you a definitive answer to your question. Things like this are not always easy to pigeonhole. There may be other factors you are unaware of. I recommend you make an appointment with a podiatrist and go from there.


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