Pain in leg & foot alseep

About 4 weeks ago I woke up with my left foot asleep and it stayed that way for quite a few hours.
I tried to walk my dog but it was very difficult.
The next day the front of my left leg hurt when I tried to walk and my foot still felt like it was asleep.
The pain got worse and worse til it was getting very difficult to walk.
I am a thin fit person, I ran for about 10 years, had to give it up due to arthritis, starting speed walking instead.
Went to the orthopedic he sent me to a nerve Doctor to be tested.
He said there was a little something going on on the left side down from my knee.
Went back to the orthopedic, he wanted me to be tested for diabetes.
Got tested, my blood was perfect.
Due to go back to the orthopedic in about a week.
They gave me an anti-seizure medicine for the pain and it takes the edge off but not completely.
I am still walking as if I have a club foot and the top of my left foot is numb as if it were asleep.
Both the orhopedic and my physician said it may be coming from the arthristis in my spine.
De-generative was discovered this past year.
More painful some days than others.
But, oddly enough I had a hernia operation done 2 weeks ago and since my back has not bothered me at all.
These symptoms with my leg and foot started before the hernia operation.
This is getting scarey.
I am a 48 year old male, active, and have been all my life.
Any thoughts?

1 Comment found

    Vivian Abrams DPM

    9 10

    Have you seen a neurologist? This is likely coming from the spine. A MRI might be helpful.


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